About Us

About Man Math

Guys, I started Man Math after healing from many years of head, and heartache with the help of therapists and counselors, but was still at a loss. A loss of focus, direction, motivation, and commitment. The world was telling me I needed to know all the answers because that’s what men do. I took the “fake it, till I make it” route because I TRULY didn’t know how to start
positioning myself into the life I dreamed of. With a family and nonprofit to run, I kept going.
When I was met with pain, I didn’t grimace because I needed to be tough, right? When I experienced heartache, no tears were allowed. Men don’t do that. When conflict showed its face, I wanted ALL the smoke! Forget about self-care! I had too many people depending on me for their care! That was my posture during those years. The worst was I needed to be an example for my kids. What kind was that!

ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! I hired a coach to help me make sense of my current state, and come up with a gameplan. It wasn’t until then that I understood the benefits of coaching. With my coach’s help, I was able to take the scrambled equations that my life represented and place them manageably onto a mental chalkboard to solve. My life started to add up!

The most powerful resource a man possesses is the ability to get out of his own way! You are your best ally, and biggest foe. Through Man Math, I will help you learn how to tap into your greatness. I will work diligently to explore your world so that it starts to equal your vision. The rest is up to you. YOU CAN DO IT!